Thursday, April 9, 2015

SEO - Social Media Optimization

Social media marketing and optimization is actually rather similar to SEO marketing and optimization. Social media sites haves the capability to measure the overall popularity and then provide each user with the most popular choices. Many of you are familiar with Facebook. Facebook is one of the top leaders when it comes to creating social marketing giants through business tools. In addition to this, it uses a specific formula to give users their custom feedback when they are selecting their favorite and top ranked interactive pages. 

The part that marketers struggle with most throughout this process is engaging with users. As most of us know, blasting advertisements through comments would not be the most effective way of engaging with users. People use social media such as Facebook in order to connect with their friends and have fun therefore it is crucial for marketers not only to advertise but to make it fun. The last thing users want to see is product information piled all over their Facebook. With this in mind, marketers should post informative yet creative posts.

The quality of your interaction is just as important as how often you interact with the users. Providing daily posts is not required and in most cases, is not recommended. However, frequent high quality posts help improve your overall ranking on a user's page because you are interacting with them on a daily basis.

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